
happy birthday ky!

last week ky turned the big 19!
to celebrate we went to texas roadhouse!

birthday kisses to the birthday girl!

but the best part of the night was this:

happy birthday ky we love you!!

the creep

monday night started out like any other monday night would.
school, a little fhe, then hanging out with the roommates.
just the norm.
until becca showed us the creep.
it's a music video by niki minaj.
look it up, i swear you will love it!
after that things in our apartment got really weird..

those are about a third of the pictures we took.
we also made a creep video of our own.

but the fun couldn't end there.
we piled into my car to head to wal mart so that we could buy stuff to decorate somebodys car.
you may see us on the next people of wal mart video on you tube.
as we were walking through the aisles becca picked up some french bread and we had a duel with it.

we then came home and decorated up the car.

i love random roommate nights.
especially when they involve dressing up and being crazy!


i paid 13 dollars for this?!

so since i've been at college i've really been missin' this girl.

kk is the reason i made it through my senior year.
i love this girl for a ton of reasons:
1. she is hilarious.
2. she is more talented than anyone i have ever met.
and 3. she is just as weird as i am.

trust me, we've had some real great times!

anyways, because i miss her quite a bit i decided to plan my next trip home whenever kk's next trip was.
on saturday kk and i were re-united with bandido (of course) and then a fun night at the haunted mansion.

i do not do scary.
so kk, me, mel, mack, squid, and mark all went to the haunted mansion.
our assembly line through the haunted houses were in the order above.
i was terrified and screamed so much but it was a blast! 
and it was so fun to catch back up with these girls.

a few of the highlights:
1. we were all scared because at the haunted mansion most of the workers know who you are because declo is so small. because of this they touch you and scare you really bad.
especially when you're a wimp like me.
so mel and i taught squid and kk a song that cath taught us.
it goes: stop, don't touch me there, these are my no no squares.

we learned it just in case we ever needed to use it! [:

2. mark was supposedly the tough one of the group...in all reality it was kk and squid but whatever.
anyways, some guy jumped out, scared mark and the next thing we knew we were all being shoved by mark.
once we were out of that room we were all laughing and mack said, "gosh mark you have to chill out, you just picked me up off the ground back there!"

3. mark was being really tough again and we got to the end where we all knew there was chainsaws. mark told us that if we didn't run then they wouldn't chase us. so we all listened to his advice once we heard that chainsaws start up. all was well for the first little bit and then we heard mark scream like a little girl from behind us and say, "he has a chainsaw!" i guess he didn't think one of  the guys did so he walked right up to him and then the chainsaw started up. mark took off at full speed and jumped over a hay bale, the chainsaw guy jumped over it to and started to chase him down. not only was it hilarious but all of the chainsaw guys left us to chase after mark.

4. mel and i were terrified so we had death grips going. she was hugging me so tight my sweatshirt rode up. then pretty soon my undershirt was getting pretty sketch. we got to a part where we had to bend over to get through so as kk and i bent over mel got scared and tried to grab me...her hand went straight down my pants!
i started to scream and freak out because uh can you saw awkward?! and mel just started to hold on even tighter because she was scared and i was screaming so she thought that i was scared. 
pretty soon she realized what was going on and got her hands out of there, but it gave us all a great laugh.
the funniest part about that story is that not 5 seconds before it happened i was laughing and i said to kk that we may as well start dating because of how much we were snuggling that night!

so it was a great weekend, can't wait for the next one!


it's just my sense of direction!

so my sense of direction is a little off.
ok it's way off.

a few weeks ago i printed off some pictures and i was going to pick them up at walmart.
logan has two walmarts.
and since i am so brilliant i had no idea if i was in south logan or north logan.
so i took a wild guess and sent them to south logan.
i live in north logan.

well i am fully aware of the fact that i stink at directions,
but some people i guess just give me the benefit of the doubt.
yesterday mel and i were headed home for the weekend.
it was my turn to drive and before we left i looked at mel and asked if she knew the way home or if we should plug in judy, my gps.
mel told me that we could make it home without the gps so we didn't bother to plug it in.
p.s. mel's sense of direction is about as good as mine.

it took us 5 minutes before we took our first wrong turn.
and don't worry there were plenty to follow after that.

with judy the ride home is about 2 hours maybe a little less.
yesterday it took us 3 hours.

i wish i could give a play by play of every wrong turn we made but to be honest i have no idea.
i honestly do not even know how we got home yesterday.
i missed an exit,
we somehow were in fort hall,
and then we were looking for yale road and it never showed up.

but we made it.
and we're trusting judy from now on!


just call me pablo picaso.

basically last night was fabulous.
teague asked me on a date and when i asked him what we were doing all he told me was "it's going to be super fun!"
well he was right,
it was so fun!

we started the night off by cooking my favorite dinner.
[breakfast for dinner]
blueberry pancakes, hash browns, bacon, and orange juice.

oh i was in heaven.

i was in charge of making the hash browns and bacon, teague took over the pancakes.
well, the bacon and hash browns (that i cooked remember) turned out fabulous!
as for the pancakes (that teague made) well, they were doughy on the inside, burnt to a crisp on the outside.
i still gave him an a for effort!

it was super funny and although the pancakes struggle, dinner was still so good!

we managed to make it through dinner with just one little house fire. teague wanted to try and help me so he poured some oil into the pan. well he put in a little to much so we dumped it out...and then didn't clean the side of the pan. so as i'm betty crokering it up i hear a boom. lift up the pan then start screaming "fire fire fire!" no worries, it was taken care of, and my little hash browns were saved.

after dinner we headed to the living room where we painted pictures of each other.

while teague and i were painting mel and mark were on the couch taking lovely photos of themselves.

once teague and i were finished we showed our lovely works of art to each other.
notice on my painting of teague he has: his mcnasty ninja braid.
the mole on his face.
and his blue eyes.

notice on teague's painting of me: my pumkin orange face.
my raccoon eyes.
and don't forget the cute red bow he put in my hair.

i almost started crying because i was laughing so hard at these paintings.

but mel and i couldn't let the fun end there.
after we hung our paintings up to dry (which we did by shooting dart guns at them) mel and i went to work on mark and teague.
and trust me, they looked lovely!

i think we are going to become art majors.


i love mel

mel is my roommate.
and she is the greatest.
like me, she is crazy and most of the time weird.

we spend probably 20 of the 24 hours together.
we laugh, cry, and even fold laundry together.

i'm so glad i got to come up to usu with this girl.
i honestly know i could not have done it without her.
heavenly father must have prompted me to randomly text her and ask her to be my roommate because he knew that i needed her.

thanks mel for being my best friend! 
i love all of our crazy times together and can't wait for all the new ones!
love you!

because how can  you not love this little gem?

5k mustache run.

this morning mel and i were supposed to run the 5k mustache run.
i say supposed to because my alarm broke and mel didn't wake up to hers.
but we had good intentions.
we're going to go run our 3 miles later tonight.

but we did buy our mustaches that we were going to run with.
and they look fabulous!

i think we will try to stick with races during the night rather than in the morning.
we tend to do better with those!


a day with squidwin.

last friday squidwin (sydney webb) came up to logan.
she had some basketball thing on saturday so friday she came and hung out with mel and i.
we went on a group date to firehouse grill and then came back to our house and watched a movie.
it was so fun to catch up with squid.
i've missed the cute kid!

snuggie lovin'

so i have a snuggie.
don't you dare judge me.

mel likes to make fun of me every time i wear it but for reals i know she's just jealous.
yesterday mel and i were at home hanging out when teague and j-carr ran into our house,
and  teague had a surprise for me...
i'm smitten with it.

but as soon as mel saw what my surprise was guess what she did..
yep, went and grabbed my old snuggie.
i knew the kid was jealous.

now we both have one.
snuggie time here we come!


i promised they wouldn't be on facebook...

but i never said anything about my blog!
so to all of you who actually read this blog,
it's your lucky day!

last night teague let me "style" his hair,
and it was real cute!

see for yourself!

i think it's a rather unique new look!

phoenix, arizona.

that's right.
phoenix, arizona is where this great guy will be for the next two years of his life starting february 1st.

i am so proud of this kid.
and he is such a great example to all of us.

this was a bittersweet moment for both mel and i though.
saying goodbye to missionaries is hard.
especially when you spend every day with them like we do with these boys.
so here is mel and i,
one down, three to go.

and in case you were wondering who is next,
it's this kid.

i think he told us last night it's about 72ish days until he gets his call in the mail.

i'm so proud of these boys for the examples they are to me.
mark, you are amazing and you will be fabulous.
the people in arizona are so lucky to have you and i know that they will love you just as much as we do here.

those two and their man love.
such gems.

and now i'm going to end this post with my new favorite picture of all time.
this is why i know he will be such a great missionary.
just look at the pure joy in his face.
i love you mark!