
it's just my sense of direction!

so my sense of direction is a little off.
ok it's way off.

a few weeks ago i printed off some pictures and i was going to pick them up at walmart.
logan has two walmarts.
and since i am so brilliant i had no idea if i was in south logan or north logan.
so i took a wild guess and sent them to south logan.
i live in north logan.

well i am fully aware of the fact that i stink at directions,
but some people i guess just give me the benefit of the doubt.
yesterday mel and i were headed home for the weekend.
it was my turn to drive and before we left i looked at mel and asked if she knew the way home or if we should plug in judy, my gps.
mel told me that we could make it home without the gps so we didn't bother to plug it in.
p.s. mel's sense of direction is about as good as mine.

it took us 5 minutes before we took our first wrong turn.
and don't worry there were plenty to follow after that.

with judy the ride home is about 2 hours maybe a little less.
yesterday it took us 3 hours.

i wish i could give a play by play of every wrong turn we made but to be honest i have no idea.
i honestly do not even know how we got home yesterday.
i missed an exit,
we somehow were in fort hall,
and then we were looking for yale road and it never showed up.

but we made it.
and we're trusting judy from now on!

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