
i paid 13 dollars for this?!

so since i've been at college i've really been missin' this girl.

kk is the reason i made it through my senior year.
i love this girl for a ton of reasons:
1. she is hilarious.
2. she is more talented than anyone i have ever met.
and 3. she is just as weird as i am.

trust me, we've had some real great times!

anyways, because i miss her quite a bit i decided to plan my next trip home whenever kk's next trip was.
on saturday kk and i were re-united with bandido (of course) and then a fun night at the haunted mansion.

i do not do scary.
so kk, me, mel, mack, squid, and mark all went to the haunted mansion.
our assembly line through the haunted houses were in the order above.
i was terrified and screamed so much but it was a blast! 
and it was so fun to catch back up with these girls.

a few of the highlights:
1. we were all scared because at the haunted mansion most of the workers know who you are because declo is so small. because of this they touch you and scare you really bad.
especially when you're a wimp like me.
so mel and i taught squid and kk a song that cath taught us.
it goes: stop, don't touch me there, these are my no no squares.

we learned it just in case we ever needed to use it! [:

2. mark was supposedly the tough one of the group...in all reality it was kk and squid but whatever.
anyways, some guy jumped out, scared mark and the next thing we knew we were all being shoved by mark.
once we were out of that room we were all laughing and mack said, "gosh mark you have to chill out, you just picked me up off the ground back there!"

3. mark was being really tough again and we got to the end where we all knew there was chainsaws. mark told us that if we didn't run then they wouldn't chase us. so we all listened to his advice once we heard that chainsaws start up. all was well for the first little bit and then we heard mark scream like a little girl from behind us and say, "he has a chainsaw!" i guess he didn't think one of  the guys did so he walked right up to him and then the chainsaw started up. mark took off at full speed and jumped over a hay bale, the chainsaw guy jumped over it to and started to chase him down. not only was it hilarious but all of the chainsaw guys left us to chase after mark.

4. mel and i were terrified so we had death grips going. she was hugging me so tight my sweatshirt rode up. then pretty soon my undershirt was getting pretty sketch. we got to a part where we had to bend over to get through so as kk and i bent over mel got scared and tried to grab me...her hand went straight down my pants!
i started to scream and freak out because uh can you saw awkward?! and mel just started to hold on even tighter because she was scared and i was screaming so she thought that i was scared. 
pretty soon she realized what was going on and got her hands out of there, but it gave us all a great laugh.
the funniest part about that story is that not 5 seconds before it happened i was laughing and i said to kk that we may as well start dating because of how much we were snuggling that night!

so it was a great weekend, can't wait for the next one!

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