
mack is growin' up!

on saturday mack turned 11.
i can't believe how old my little mack is getting.

i love my little mack,
(i just realized i should probably retire the "little" in little mack, i mean the kid is basically bigger than i am now days.)
mack and i have a very unique story.
i was a happy little 8 year old who always dreamed of getting a baby SISTER.
one day my mom decided to make all of my dreams come true when she announced that she was going to have another baby.
i was so excited and my mom even let me go to the ultra sound with her.
the nurse then told me mack was a boy and i was crushed.
[seriously i was, i bawled the rest of the day.]
for the next few months i hated the baby in my mom's tummy and i prayed every day that the gender would change.
on october 1, 2000 the gender stayed the same and i was blessed with my mack.
i refused to hold him for the first five minutes and then i finally gave in.
i've loved the kid ever since.
since then he's been one of my best friends and i would never change him for the world.
i'd do anything for this goofy kid.

11 of my favorite things about mack are:

1. he makes me laugh every day. the things he says and does make me laugh and wonder where in the world he came from. one day we were messing around and he fell down. he instantly jumped right back up and said, "don't worry, i'm fine..cuz i'm a texan!" what in the world?!
2. he's a redsox lover. enough said.
3. he's my best friend even when i yell at him or we fight. the kid is ALWAYS there.
4. he never turns me down when i ask him to take a picture with me.
5. he's a stud. mack always hangs out with me even when i've got friends over. not only that but all of my friends love the mack daddy. he is the best!
6. he's always up for anything i want to do. bandido runs, jetski rides, picture taking, anything.
7. he lets me complain to him.
8. every time i see him he measures himself to see who's taller. [i'm still winning.]
9. his laugh. it's the goofiest sounding thing and once he starts he can't stop. hunter and i will always egg him on to the point where he can't even breathe.
10. when he's mad at me he just wrestles me to the ground and once he knows he's beat me he isn't mad anymore. and by that point i'm usually laughing so hard i'm not mad anymore either.

and finally...
11. mack is my little man, my best pal, and he's mine forever.

i love you mack and i hope you had the best birthday ever!

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