
so i took like a 5 month break from the bloggy blog,
no biggy.
but don't you fret, although i haven't been blogging, i've managed to stay pretty up to date on everyone elses blogs. because i'm a creep like that.

so about the past 5 months...well a lot has happened.
i guess if you follow me on insta you have a pretty good idea as to what i've been up to. but if not, well dear friends, you are in for a real treat.
there really just isn't enough time in the world to get a whole play by play on what's been happening, but i'll try to catch you up on the main details.

1. i got a job.
and i'm being 100 percent for reals when say that it is the coolest job in the whole world. seriously, i love it. i work at a place called chrysalis. in other words, i take care of disabled people. i'm in charge of three girls, and i love them to death. 

emily (far right) is the most tender hearted person i know. she is quiet at first, but don't let it fool you, she is hands down one of the biggest jokesters i know.she can crack a joke at any time of the day. emily has ocd and one of her "habits" is she will choose a person and basically mimic them. the other day my manager took me aside and told me that i was the person emily has decided to mimic. i guess it had started about a month ago, i had no idea. she now buys colored skinny jeans, anything yellow (it's my favorite color..and now hers too), always wants me to do her hair the same as mine, and she is growing her hair out to look like mine. she is so funny. emily can play a mean game of clue, and trust me, we play a lot of clue.

i love all three of the girls i take care of, but i would be lying if i said i didn't have a little bit of a "favorite." cassie stole my heart from day one. she is hands down one of the funniest people i have ever  met in my entire life. she is completely inappropriate, and burps and farts whenever she pleases. when i first started one of the problems they were having is that they could never get cassie to do any exercise. i went out on a limb and brought down my wii game of just dance, just to see if she would give it a try. she is hooked. we dance for hours every day. cassie is a great cook. she makes the best popcorn i've ever tasted among many other things.
i love this crazy girl!
...i call her cassarolle and she calls me tuna....

kim is the most giving person i know. she will literally give away anything she has just to cheer somebody else up. every holiday she hands out homemade cards to all of the staff, and they make my day. she has a cat named gwenavere. that cat is the most spoiled cat i have ever seen. she is kim's baby. kim loves to paint nails and have her hair done. 

cassie, emily, and kim have become a huge part of my life. and they are such a huge blessing. i wasn't expecting to work so much. i applied for part time, and then things just starting happening and the next thing i knew, i was working full time most weeks. some weekends i feel like all i do with my life is work, but i never have regretted it once.

if i'm not working, i'm usually thinking or talking about my girls. and i usually end up picking up cassie to hang out with me for the rest of the night. cassie is my age and 20 years younger than kim and emily. she just needs some one on one time every now and then. that...and i really just love her company.

2. this boy.

last semester sean was my best friend.
girls, i'm telling you it's those 'best friends" that get ya! one second we're making dinner, i'm having my own little dance party, sean's laughing at me thinking i'm a weirdo...being best friends...and then bam, it's like a bus smacks you in the face and all of a sudden you have a huge awkward crush on your best friend.

and since you're probably going to be reading a lot more about this boy, let me tell you a little bit about him... :)

sean michael larson is from bountiful, utah.
he has 3 older brothers.
he served a mission is mexico city...for you idaho peeps, he served with nathan garner and chad pickup. small world.
i tease him every day about being such an old man. on may 25 he with turn the big 2-3.
he works at america first credit union.
he is currently a student at uvu studying engineering (the kid loves math, what a weirdo.)
he is a bomb math tutor.
he has a funny laugh. his laugh makes me laugh...and it makes me tease him too.
he is the kindest person i know. to everybody.
he treats me far better than i deserve.
he loves to rock climb, and i love to watch him rock climb. the boy has skills.
he eats every single meal i [attempt] to cook for him..and trust me the kid has had to choke down some pretty nasty meals.
he's one of the hardest workers i know.
he dreams big.
he doesn't judge me for being one of the biggest weirdos in the whole world..well probably he does, but he's cool with it.
he makes me happy.

but probably the thing that i like most about sean is the way he treats my girls. i work all weekend most every weekend. luckily i have one awesome boss who also seems to think sean is the bomb.com. so she lets him come over to the house and hang out with us. 
all three of the girls love him, especially cassarolle.

from the moment he walks in the door, cassie is smitten. he will dance with her for hours at a time.

she always says she wants to cook sean and i dinner, but she can't because she would go broke trying to feed sean. he is so so good to her.
he never complains about the fact the most of our weekends are spent hanging out at my work.
he never rolls his eyes when i tell him that we need to go pick up cassie for a few hours.
he's a gem.

3. i got new roomies.
old gross roomies, gone. cha ching! love love love my new roomies! for a while i had two of the worst roommates ever, but it all worked out when they were replaced by two great roomies!

4. chemistry.
yep..i'm just trying to survive that this semester.

if i'm not working i've got my face shoved in my chemistry book. 2 months left.
but school really is great this semester, so far i've got all a's. trust me, that's a feeling that just never gets old. but all that studying has a dear price to pay.

i look like this a little too often. nasty buns, zero makeup, and a chemistry book you can't see.
sean's constant math homework stresses him out too, but he handles it much better than me.

5. i was reunited with these lovelies a few weeks ago.

i miss my besters on a daily basis.
the best thing about having besties like these three?
 we can go months without talking and then when we finally get the chance to meet up again, it's like nothing has changed.
i always love the moments the four of us are all together.
i lucked out big time in the friend department.

so basically there's your 5 month gap in a nutshell.
i'm alive.
i'm happy.
life is so so good.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you!!! :) P.S. I'm happy your so happy. love ya kid!!!
