
my roommate is disgusting.
seriously people, i could go on for days, luckily for you though, i wont. instead i'll just share a few of my favorite stories.

mainly our relationship revolves around the bathroom. i'm never home, and when i am, the roommate is locked away in her room. our first encounter happened when i first walked in. i was unpacking my things when she informed me that if i absolutely had to she could clear out one drawer for me in the bathroom. but that she would choose not to because she was already unpacked in there.
i wasn't interested in causing a fight and so i just kept all of my things in my own room. even my towel and robe are hanging up behind my door.
that night i walked into the bathroom and i about gagged. there was no way i was going to pee in there. so i called dallin and headed right on over to his house.

now i know i'm freakishly clean, we can all thank my mother for that, but really this bathroom is putrid. at first people were skeptical, sometimes things that are not clean enough to me are just fine with others. so i decided to document this bathroom for proof that it is in fact horrific.

exhibit a.
the sink.

between the hairballs, grime, and leftover makeup...oh yea and the used kleenex, there was no way i was going to brush my teeth in there. i brushed my teeth at the kitchen sink with a water bottle.

exhibit b.
the toilet.

hairballs on the floor, stains that i don't even want to know how long they took to get there, and the q-tip behind the seat...classy.

exhibit c.
the shower.

hair, grime, and stains everywhere.
makes me gag.

i could not take it for one more second and so one day after school i came home and for the next two hours i tried my hardest to clean that little baby up. it looks better, there are some stains that as hard as i try i just cannot get them out. all the tears, clorox, and other supplies in the world cannot remove them. but i tried, and it is now livable.

i'm sorry that it's an instagram photo, but it was all i could get of the before and after.
seriously, how does something get like this?

but don't you worry, the story only gets better...and the bathroom clearly worse.
so i had to go to logan to vote [post to come] so i arrived back in provo late, and i was honestly going to pee my pants. i run into the bathroom only to see that i had a "present" already waiting in the toilet...if you know what i mean.
it was gross, but it was by no means enough to have clogged a toilet. 
[sorry if you're grossed out.]
so i just decided to flush it. as soon as i did that the toilet starts filling up with water. i'm freaking out praying that it will not overflow. lucky enough it didn't. i knocked on courtney's door and when she answered i asked her if she had tried using the bathroom. she said "yea it filled up with water, i don't know what's wrong with it." i asked her if she had told the office..or anyone for that matter, she told me no, then closes her door in my face.
thanks for the heads up roomie.
so i call dallin asking him if he has a plunger, luckily he does, but he wasn't home, the next day i go borrow it in hopes that maybe i can plunge something out. i start plunging, no luck. i knock on courtney's door again to tell her it's still not working and i asked her if she knew where the valve was so that if i tried flushing it again and it filled up with water i could turn the water off. she walked in the bathroom and said just let me do this...flushes the toilet. once again it fills up with water...aaaaaand overflows.
courtney decides that she should probably take everything off of the floor and so what does she do?

she takes the plunger, that was just inside the poopy toilet, and sets in face-down on our counter!!! not only that but she also puts the toilet scrubbers on there. all while her toothbrush sits a mere five inches away! who does that?!
but that's not the end. what does she do after that? she says "well crap, that sucks!" walks back into her bedroom. i'm standing in a flooded bathroom, with the plunger on the sink, in tears.
i was furious.
so i cleaned it up and went back in my room to study biology. i decided to take a water break and when i'm in the kitchen my other roommate breanna tells me that we finally got our cleaning check schedule.

the way they do those here is the cleaning is split up in four different sections and each roommate signs up and then they clean their section. breanna told me that courntey got home first and so she got first pick...guess where she picked?
you nailed it, the bathroom.

i once again went and knocked on courtney's door and when she answered i tried to explain to her that i had just barely cleaned the whole bathroom, and i had again like an hour ago. not only that but the only section left was the kitchen, and i don't even have things in the kitchen.

you see when i moved in they basically told me there was no room and so all my kitchen supplies are in tubs under my bed, and when i need something i dig them out, cook, then wash them and put them away. in the fridge i have one small fruit holder space to store all of my refrigerated foods. everything else is once again stored in a tub in my room. 
i told her that i didn't think it was fair that i would have to wash their three weeks worth of dishes when none of it was my mess, and i had already cleaned her part.
she told me she was interested in switching.
what a gem.

i write this down in hopes that maybe a few years down the road i will re-read this and laugh.
 i've been thinking about it and maybe i'm supposed to be in provo to learn patience, because trust me courtney has tested my patience in more ways than one. and she has tested me to my core.

obviously this year my roommates are not my best friends, it's been hard to get used to because last year my roommates were my best friends, i hardly did anything without them. but at the same time i have seen great things come from not living with best friends. i've really had to become more independent and meet new people all on my own. it has helped me form such a great relationship with my brother because for a while he was literally the only person i knew. i go to him for virtually everything.
there's also sean, he also lives at branbury and we have math together and so if i'm not at dal's, i'm at seans. i'm sure he gets sick of me because sometimes i just show up at his house and then as soon as he opens the door i go lay on his couch and tell him that i just need to vent and he needs to listen. he's pretty good about stuff like that.

it's hard to live with people you don't get along with, but it can't last forever. and it's been good for me, i've made so many new friends because i do things to get out of the house. i attend every little activity i can find.

i'm so happy right now, life is good, and now i get to go clean the kitchen.

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