
i have the best friends

and they always make me happy when i'm sad.
like last night for instance.
last night the rays won and the redsox lost meaning that my sox aren't in the playoffs...
i was just the saddest kid.
but i have the greatest friends in my life.

one second i was in my room with mel, a little depressed,
and the next thing i knew teague and j-carr were at my door.
coldstone run it is.

we ate our ice cream (which was awesome)
and then we headed back to our apartment to have a glee party.
but as we were driving back home we all got hit with a huge sugar rush.
and we were super hyper.

and then when we were in the parking lot we had a dance party.

i have the best of friends,
and i am so glad that they are mine.

better luck to my celtics!

library lovin'

yesterday i had some reading that i needed to get caught up on.
i figured i may as well stop by the library after class because i knew i wouldn't actually read anything at my apartment.
i went into the library, found a super comfy chair, and started reading.
about thirty minutes later i fell asleep with my book wide open on my lap.
twenty minutes after that i woke up to find myself a sweet little surprise!
some sweet little gem had decided to leave their name and number in my book when i was sleeping!

no idea who this kid is or what he he was thinking when he left me that present.
all i know is that i must have been out if he was placing stuff in my book and i didn't even wake up!

so thanks Chris Olson whoever you are!
you may have me creeped out a little bit, but kyler and mel think you're hilarious!


best friends don't let each other run 10K's

unless you are brin and mel.
for some reason we decided it would be perfectly fine if we both signed up for a 10K and ran it together.
...i was pretty sure we were best friends,
but seriously, why would friends do that to each other?
totally kidding.

but if my summer in alaska taught me anything it's this:
i can do hard things.
things i never thought i was capable of before.
and i think that's why i wanted to do this 10K so badly.

so thanks mel for running it with me!

were we prepared for this race? eh not so much. we knew we could run a solid 3 miles but 6.2?!
do we love running? heavens no!
will we do another race? yea, i'll talk mel into it.. [:

the race had two options:
1. run the 10K by yourself.
2. have a team of two and each person does a 5K.

mel and i decided to each do the full 10K but we wanted to match because we were a team.
so we rocked green shorts, spudman shirts, and french-braided bangs.

generally in pictures people hold up one finger to show they are the best.
well melanie and i knew we weren't very prepared so we held up L's for losers.
yep, we embraced last place.

we started the race and 17 songs later we finished.
[so we timed our race by how many songs it took. don't judge.]

and were proud of ourselves.
very proud.

the people then started handing out awards.
i wasn't paying much attention because mel and i beat a whole one person.
an old man who was like 70.
[we're champs.]

anyways the guy stands up and says the winner for the girls race with a time of 35 minutes goes to brinlee breshears.
i was completely tuned out and only heard breshears so i looked at mel and said oh hey breshears, maybe i have a relative running in this thing!
mel just stared at me and said you weirdo they said you!

so i went up and got my prize: pearl earrings.
but i didn't feel right about it.
no way i could have won that race by only beating one person.
so i took it back to the guy and i was right, they had the names and numbers messed up.
bye bye cute pearl earrings.

oh well, i did it, i finished, and it feels good.


a little heart broken.

this weekend our football team lost by one in double overtime.
and it was homecoming. ]:
basically i was one sad kid!

but other than losing the game was super fun!
every time we get the third down everybody in the crowd holds up three fingers and starts yelling.
mel and i began to feel like we were meditating every time we did it.

i just love her.
then there was teague who made fun of us, but he loved doing the thirrddd down sign also!

mel and i also decided to represent our aggies by throwing in some dark blue aggie hair.
[ok so we actually just like wearing colored hair but it matched so it was a good excuse!]

but since we lost we are keeping our hopes up for the next game, 
or just utah state hockey.
either one.

[and for half the game the score board was wrong.]

usu may not rock at football, but we aren't that bad!

so aggies, better luck next week!


the baby maker and the ceiling.

so we decided to put the baby maker to use saturday night.

we were comfy.

and then becca wanted to take a picture while sitting on jon's shoulders.

[imagine this]
-two tall people.
-a low ceiling.
-a shirt that is riding up.
-the girl on the boy's shoulders.

they took their first picture and becca wanted one more.
jon said wait one second i have to fix something really fast.

next thing we know jon does a half jump thing to fix his shirt and becca smacks her head against the ceiling.
and our whole apartment almost peed their pants from laughing so hard.

p.s. their picture turned out fabulous! [:


my new favorite thing about college is utah state hockey games.
seriously when people say that they are so amazing, they are not lying.
i loved every second of it!

i loved sitting on the second row and watching the players try to pass the puck but then getting slammed into the wall right in front of me.
or the fist fights.

one of the weber boys tried to shove our goalie.
[wrong choice]
the goalie threw him down and the next thing i knew the goal post was knocked over and guys were seriously skating and then jumping and body slamming each other.
and fists were flying.

and then i caught myself screaming and yelling punch him, punch him!

i was in heaven!

the only problem was that my roommates and i are not very bright.
instead of realizing that we were in a cold ice skating rink and we should probably dress warm we decided to just get super cute instead.

we froze,
but we looked cute right?

and then cody came and sat by us and he had on a fake mustache,
and since it was there i had to try it out...

i love hockey.


i can cook.

so mel and i decided to make dinner for the boys because they are always making dinner for us.
it turned out awesome!
so proud of myself!

but that isn't the best part.
j-carr let me do a little nail painting on him.

it says brin & mel.
best friends, i think yes!

so there's this boy

who at first i really wanted to meet,
and now i honestly hope i never see him again.

it all started when i was walking home from class.
i got ready for the day (score for me.)
i was walking on the sidewalk struttin' my stuff,
and that's when i spotted him.

i was walking towards him and we made eye contact.
my first thoughts: oh hey, he's kinda cute.
i was getting a little excited about the fact that i was going to pass him on the sidewalk...

and then it happened.

as i was walkin' the walk i tripped over nothing.
faceplant on the sidewalk.

then we passed each other.
i was doing the awkward laugh where i am so embarrassed that i'm just trying to laugh it off,
and he was doing the awkward laugh where he was so embarrassed for me that he didn't know what else to do.

i sure hope i never see that kid again.


a little bit late!

so this post is actually from my birthday, but mel took the pictures and i just barely got them from her.

anyways, remember how i said that after the play we went to the boys treated us to texas roadhouse?
well as they were bringing the food to our table one of the tables right behind us had a birthday.
ever been to texas roadhouse when there is a birthday?

if not here is what goes down.
they bring out a saddle, make you sit on it, then they scream happy birthday to you at the top of their lungs.
so embarrassing.

well after that happened everyone at my table thought it would be hilarious if they told the people it was my birthday. 
so they did.
and i had to sit on the saddle.

at least i got free ice cream!

no your eyes aren't fooling you.

fact: i stink at math.
always have.
i can't remember how many times i left a math class bawling because i didn't get it or i had completely bombed a test.
math is just plain hard.

so i made a goal for myself at college,
i wanted to be good at math.
so for a good two hours a day i stare at my math book.
death, i know.

but it's started to pay off.

yes, that is my math test..
and yes, i got a 100%.

i'm pretty excited about it! [:

p.s. mel got a blog!
check it out! here

it's nights like these..

that make it totally fine to be crusty.

it's homecoming week here at utah state and on monday night they started the festivities off with a paint dance.
mel and i were all over that the minute we heard about it.
heck i was so excited i didn't even get ready monday morning, because seriously why would you get ready if you were just going to get paint thrown all over you that night?!

...and the fact that i went to bed at 3 had nothing to with me being crusty.
[for reals.]

that night we got to the dance and it was insane! there was a huge blob right in front of the stage where everyone was jumping up and down and the music was blaring. there were people on stage holding these huge gun things that they would spray into the crowd. mel and i didn't want to miss any of  the fun so we hopped right in the middle and started dancing.

this led to us eventually being shoved to the very front where we luckily found jason. thank heavens for him. mel and i discovered this new dance and it's basically jumping up and down but leaving your elbows out so that you can push off the mob of people crowding in on you. jason also discovered a new move: the box out. you do the basketball box out with your arms out wide so that he could keep mel and i safe.

he's a real gem.

i loved the paint dance.
 there was so many people all clustered together that you couldn't even see anything.
i can't even remember the number of times when i would be jumping up and down screaming at the top of my lungs and then out of nowhere paint would pour down on me and into my mouth and eyes.

or jason's personal favorite:
we were dancing when they shot the paint, not in the air, but directly at us.
i had my mouth wide open and then bam...pink paint to the face. 
i got drenched.
jason did too but he is so tall it hit him in the chest.

i wish i could say that only happened once,
but it didn't.
more like a dozen times.

so worth it.

and now for the crustiest part of all...
*drumroll please*

mcnasty right?

mel and i didn't have any other crusty shoes we wanted to get ruined so without thinking we went in flip flops.
bad choice.
fun night!


you know you're pathetic when...

you know you can count on a daily text message from mel saying that she beat your old high score in fruit ninja.
and then you spend 4 hours trying to beat her...
and of course once you do you have to let her know!

it's becoming a common occurrence with us.
and i'm used to seeing a lot of this.

[let it be known that this is MY high score, and as of right now i still hold the record.]

now if that isn't pathetic enough then just keep reading.
today we were walking home when we passed this little guy on the sidewalk.

we both looked at it, became dead silent, and then made eye contact.
it was one of those weird eye contacts where you both know you have something to say but neither of you will say it...

finally i started laughing and said:

brin: uh please tell me you're thinking the same thing i'm thinking...
mel: i don't know i'm kinda scared...

*awkward moment*

brin: ok is it just me or does that look just like the surprise bonus on fruit ninja that give you 50 extra points?!
mel: oh my gosh we are sooo pathetic!

yea, i think we need lives!

keep to the bushes!

and wear the right clothing.
and the right shoes....

well mel and i did really good with the first part, but not the other two.

so C1 (the boys apartment) invited us over to play fugitive.
mel and i figured that they were just saying we were going to play fugitive and then in all reality we would just hang out all night, so we did not dress properly.
we showed up at their apartment to find that they were not only dressed in all black, but they were painting their faces too.

because seriously what's the fun in playing fugitive if you don't go all out?

so  mel and i stole some of the boy's clothes and then nat went to work on our war paint.

pretty legit right?

one problem: shoes.
mel and i were in flip flops.
which is totally fine until you have to sprint for two miles to keep up with the boys because you still don't know your way around logan.

but we were champs and we did it.

we had to go from old farm to the hospital...and we got a thirty second head start. so our huge group decided to just stick together.

as soon as we started us girls realized that we were in trouble...
mark was in the lead,
and mark is fast.
but without mark, we were all lost.

my poor shoes were so loud, i seriously sounded like a trotting horse with every step i took.

we also didn't know what the people's car looked like so as we were running through random people's yards every time a car would pass somebody would yell "stick to the bushes!" and we would all dive for cover.

i'm not even going to lie, all the diving and hiding plus the war paint made me feel pretty legit.

in the end it turned out that our group was the only group that made it.
everybody else got caught.
we were pretty proud.

then came the ride back to old farm...
two cars and too many kids.
we fit 10 kids in a 5 seater.
super squishy.

this picture just shows 3 of the 10 of us.
mel nat and i are seriously all crammed on top of each other and you can't see it but teague is planking on top of us.
most squishy drive ever.

i can't wait for the next random thursday night game of fugitive!

also, after we got back mark and i had a litle tousle,
which i won.
(it was the face paint)
so this picture just kind of shows the hate i have for him every time he makes me work out with him..

but i can totally whoop him now so at least i'm getting tougher right?



you found what in there?!

before school started mel had pre-ordered two books.
they never came.
the poor mail man has come to our door like 6 times asking if we have received them. he swears he dropped them off but everybody in our apartment claims that they had not seen them.

well today mel and i's cleaning OCD kicked in.
our cupboards were a mess. basically food just thrown in everywhere and anywhere.
nobody knew what we had or what was where, it was a disaster.
so today mel and i decided to clean and organize,

things were going awesome and we were on a roll.
we found a free cupboard
(the one in the picture)
and we decided that we would store our pasta etc. in there.

mel opened the drawer and found this box....

mel: uh brin, what's this?
brin: i don't know, that cupboard hasn't even been opened.
*mel examines it*
mel: uh creepy, it's addressed to me!
brin: uh well why is it already open?
mel: no idea...
*mel opens the box and removes the packaging*

so yea today we found mel's books.
in an empty kitchen cupboard.
and they had been opened already.
but seriously so funny!