no biggie right?!
i mean it is the weekend.
and it was such a fun weekend!
on friday after class i decided to work out with mark
such a bad choice.
but i convinced mel to do it with me so we were both almost dead together.
mark decided to have us do P90X,
or as i like to call it...kill me now.
trust me it's now two days later and i'm still feelin' it.
after P90X mel and i were such sweet gems and we cooked the boys and natalie some fettuccine alfredo.
[and yes mom it turned out...and it was good!]
after that we headed to angie's to "clean the sink."
me, mel, and natalie
us with one of the sinks.
so i brought my love sack up to college with me and it has just gotten the name of the "baby maker" because mel and i's roommates well...the name says it all i guess.
anyways after we ate at angie's we all did our "pregnant bellies." coxey chose mark over natalie.
poor girl!
and we partied through the sunroof on the way home.
no biggie.
after that mel and i thought the night was over.
some of the boys decided to come hang out at our apartment...until 4:30!
don't get me wrong it was a blast but wow so late!
the next morning ky, jason, and i had to go see the play romeo and juliet for one of our classes.
we decided to make it one big date.
this was all super until we found out the it was an all male cast.
can you say mcnasty?
yea, we had to watch guys kiss...
quite a few times.
the boys then treated us to some texas roadhouse.
and then we had the first home football game.
which we won.
and we are super aggie fans!
and here are some of my most favorite aggies.
we have jason, mark, mel, nat, coxey.
teague, me, jj, and brandon.
i love them. we stay up way too late and are having way too much fun.
but most of all i love these two.
the best friends a kid could ask for.
life is good.
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