this weekend our football team lost by one in double overtime.
and it was homecoming. ]:
basically i was one sad kid!
but other than losing the game was super fun!
every time we get the third down everybody in the crowd holds up three fingers and starts yelling.
mel and i began to feel like we were meditating every time we did it.
i just love her.
then there was teague who made fun of us, but he loved doing the thirrddd down sign also!
mel and i also decided to represent our aggies by throwing in some dark blue aggie hair.
[ok so we actually just like wearing colored hair but it matched so it was a good excuse!]
but since we lost we are keeping our hopes up for the next game,
or just utah state hockey.
either one.
[and for half the game the score board was wrong.]
usu may not rock at football, but we aren't that bad!
so aggies, better luck next week!
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