
best friends don't let each other run 10K's

unless you are brin and mel.
for some reason we decided it would be perfectly fine if we both signed up for a 10K and ran it together.
...i was pretty sure we were best friends,
but seriously, why would friends do that to each other?
totally kidding.

but if my summer in alaska taught me anything it's this:
i can do hard things.
things i never thought i was capable of before.
and i think that's why i wanted to do this 10K so badly.

so thanks mel for running it with me!

were we prepared for this race? eh not so much. we knew we could run a solid 3 miles but 6.2?!
do we love running? heavens no!
will we do another race? yea, i'll talk mel into it.. [:

the race had two options:
1. run the 10K by yourself.
2. have a team of two and each person does a 5K.

mel and i decided to each do the full 10K but we wanted to match because we were a team.
so we rocked green shorts, spudman shirts, and french-braided bangs.

generally in pictures people hold up one finger to show they are the best.
well melanie and i knew we weren't very prepared so we held up L's for losers.
yep, we embraced last place.

we started the race and 17 songs later we finished.
[so we timed our race by how many songs it took. don't judge.]

and were proud of ourselves.
very proud.

the people then started handing out awards.
i wasn't paying much attention because mel and i beat a whole one person.
an old man who was like 70.
[we're champs.]

anyways the guy stands up and says the winner for the girls race with a time of 35 minutes goes to brinlee breshears.
i was completely tuned out and only heard breshears so i looked at mel and said oh hey breshears, maybe i have a relative running in this thing!
mel just stared at me and said you weirdo they said you!

so i went up and got my prize: pearl earrings.
but i didn't feel right about it.
no way i could have won that race by only beating one person.
so i took it back to the guy and i was right, they had the names and numbers messed up.
bye bye cute pearl earrings.

oh well, i did it, i finished, and it feels good.

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